

Why Having a Strong Brand Matters



Published on 30th October 2018


Branding encompasses all of the ways you establish an identity and an image of your company in your customers’ eyes. A strong brand helps you to stand out and communicate what your company does. It is your identity, your reputation, and what people associate your company with, all rolled up in one! 

Strong brands are built on a central idea which outlives the lifecycle of a single product or service and evolves as the company grows and adapts.

What’s in a Brand?

Effective branding helps companies achieve:

Once a brand strategy is in place you can focus on creating a powerful visual identity. 

Creating a Memorable Visual Identity

Every advert, leaflet or Facebook post is a contribution toward your brand and how it is perceived. Your visual brand should engage all the positive emotions you want people to experience when they lay eyes on your product or logo.

The logo represents the foundation of your visual brand and is present prominently across your online presence, promotional material, packaging material, and anything that communicates the brand to the market.

But how do you create a strong brand?

Defining a brand requires a deep understanding of your company’s identity: not just what you want it to be, but how it is already perceived. To kick off the process, we ask questions that require research and reflection:

Do your research. Learn the needs, habits and desires of your current and potential customers and do not rely on what you think, but on what your target says they need.

Once you have answered these questions, you can start developing your corporate identity. The 

Designing a brand is a subtle art and must create a delicate balance between being authentic and unique while still being effective and understandable to the core market.

If you need help with sprucing up your brand or creating a new one go ahead and drop us a line. Our creative design team would love to help you out. 
