

Stop Making These 5 eCommerce Marketing Mistakes

Charlotte Baker


Published on 19th October 2022


Want to have a successful online business that drives quality leads, conversions and runs better return on investment? Then avoid the mistakes we outline below.

The pandemic saw a rise in online ecommerce stores which led to the saturation of the market due to an increase in competition and therefore created an increase in the need to stand out online. Therefore, it’s important to avoid these ecommerce marketing mistakes that could cost you new customers, sales and profits. 

It’s probable that if you run an ecommerce business you’re juggling wearing many different hats and therefore your time management skills need to be top notch. Additionally, you have to efficiently market your store to generate sales. 

In this post we’ll walk you through the five most common eCommerce marketing mistakes that you need to fix in order to boost your conversion rate.

1. No Marketing Strategy

What most business owners fail to take into account is the necessary time it takes in relation to planning. Planning is one of the foundational elements of eCommerce marketing. Failing to do so could lead to shutdown. Creating a business plan is a step in the right direction. 

What should your business plan entail?

Once you’ve jotted down these ideas it’s time to validate them. Another mistake is not validating your product. Test out your product or services in the marketplace and see whether potential customers are interested.

2. Clueless About Your Target Market

Identifying your target market should be your first order of business. It’s one of the most important aspects of marketing therefore neglecting this area of business is another mistake one should avoid making. 

So why focus on your target market? There’s enough noise on the internet it benefits you as a business to niche down in order to help you stand out and drive traffic to your website. Also if you don’t know your target market you don’t know who market to therefore you won’t tailor your marketing to their requirements. This could waste your resources and your budget. 

3. Inconsistent Brand Voice

It’s not uncommon to get caught up in the management of operations, however this may lead to your brand voice turning out diluted or irregular at times. Diluting your brand voice may dampen your customers trust and you may lose customers. Inversely, the more a customer trusts your brand the more likely they are to buy from your business. 

4. Badly Written Copy

Website copy is one of the main elements of what attracts customers to your website and convinces them to buy from you. Therefore, if you get this wrong you may lose potential customers. 

Additionally, if you’ve not written compelling product descriptions it’s likely that your website visitors may not understand what the product is all about. If written poorly you won’t get across why your product is beneficial to your consumer and why they should purchase it and therefore will lose out on sales.

Product descriptions need to be intricately written properly describing the product’s features, benefits, specifications etc. A plus would be to include social proof in the form of testimonials and product reviews. This way you can leverage third party recommendations to convince your customers further. 89% of shoppers check online reviews before purchasing. 

5. Not Optimised For Mobile

Mobiles are the go-to devices for eCommerce shopping nowadays. Especially with the rise of social media platforms enabling shopping to occur via their apps such as Instagram and Youtube. Therefore, it’s critical that you ensure that your web store is optimised for mobile. 

Unoptimised mobile websites can lead to poor user experience and in turn may lead to a decrease in sales. It’s imperative that you have a responsive website that delivers a smooth browsing experience for your customers.


Having a holistic approach in relation to eCommerce marketing will make or break your business. It can seem a bit overwhelming at first but once you get a grip on things and plan ahead it will become easier to keep on top of things. If you’re looking for someone to handle your digital marketing needs, feel free to contact us.
